
My Book

        I created the book called “I and Snow White” is for children whose first language is not English, and it is done with UDL Book Builder. I talked about my idea with a teacher who teaches English as a second language in China. He suggested that there must be something interests the kids. So I came up with the idea of bringing Snow white to the contemporary world because almost every child is interested in fairy tale and they must be glad to be with characters from it. Then I just insert new words into the story and children will learn when reading the story. I chose a couple of words related to vehicles, of course you can replace with other words in teaching. Children would be glad to see the happy ending!

The link of my book is:

How you enjoy it.

2 条评论:

  1. Jingyi, please reset your UDL Book Builder sharing settings so we can read your book. :)
