
Week 3

Assignment #1: 

      The three articles are all talking about the new literacies. Actually it is combining technology into our study process. The new literacies include innovative text formats, and new activities. They extend traditional literacy experiences with comprehension of information on the Internet; effective use of search engines to locate information; evaluation of Internet sources; communication using e-mail, texts, and chats; and the use of word processing programs. Though it takes time to adjust to the new stuff, both teachers and students should be able to make use of this resource.

Assignment #2:

1.      Which ideas from the video reflect what the ELA teachers you interviewed are currently doing to integrate technology with their literacy instruction?
      Among those ideas given in the video, the high-end hardware requirements and the difficulty to guide text chat meet the ones mentioned by the teacher I interviewed. He spent a lot of time getting used to it. But he still feels somewhat losing his control when using technology in class.

2.      How can you help change their instructional practices to include the use of technology and the Internet in their literacy and content-area curriculum?
      The best way is to combine both advanced and traditional teaching methods. To keep both the most efficiency way of learning and face-to-face interaction in class is my suggestion of learning. Students should have their own blogger to show their learning results, thought and they can also discuss with classmates both online or in reality

3.      What professional development and/or resources will they need in order to make these changes?
      Each of the students should be able to access to the Internet in class. They can be equipped with a laptop or an iPad in class. That is more convenient for learners to do researches.

4.      What ideas do you have for grouping students so they will have equal access to technology in the classroom?
      Each of the students has to get an account for themselves in order to achieve goals given by teachers. Teachers can easily assess students’ performance by reviewing their work by the Internet.
  Assignment #3

Grade Level: Grade 2

Topic: Hangman

o        Standards addressed:
o        CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.1b Form and use frequently occurring irregular plural nouns (e.g., feet, children, teeth, mice, fish).
      CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.2a Capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names.

Learning outcomes:
This lesson helps students to increase their vocabulary and assist them to know how words are spelled exactly.

Technologies needed: Computer with Internet and Projector

Timeline for implementation: Just one class

How can it be integrated and implemented in the lessons?
Teacher will separate students into two groups. And each group has chances to set a representative to guess the letters given by the computer. Once they came up with the right word, they got one point. Groups compete with word learnt in class.

After the game, students can be given a quiz of those words appeared in the game. They can pass if they did 80% correct.

