
Week 4:

Assignment #1


1.      What gaming elements provide users the learning content and how?
The game is called “What pics?” is something like a word puzzle game. I played it on iPad with my little niece. It is shown as a 5*5 square and you can uncover at most 7 pieces to see a part of the whole picture and to guess the right word. The less you uncover the picture, the higher score you will achieve. Spelling is required as well and there are a bunch of letters given below which learners can choose from.

2. What is the goal of the game?
The goal of the game is to develop learners’ ability of spelling and logic. Through this game, students can learn words visually which  helps them better in memorizing new words. Actually,  a lot of us are visual learners.

3.      What are rules of playing this game?
There aren’t any complicated rules in this game. Learners just need to come up with the word matches the required blanks.

4. Does this game have any scenario design? (Refer to the journal article page 5.) If yes, is this a fabricated or embedded in curriculum-related content?
    There isn’t any scenario design in this game but a very simple puzzle game.


Grade level: Grade 2

Common Core standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.4d Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark).

Learning Outcomes: By connecting two seperated words, students are able to increase their ability of absorbing compound words built on simple individual words.

Instructional activities: Teachers will present two individual words in the form of pictures and then present the compound word related these two words (also with a picture) as an example. After that, other pairs of individual words are given for students to guess. Finally, the process can be reversed for students to seperate the compound words into individual.

Assessment: Students will be asked to find out this kind of compound words themselves (at least five) and in addition, create a small quiz for other classmates to filling the blanks.

What cognitive skills do this game help to cultivate?  Students learn to predict the meaning of complicated words. They can use their existed knowledge to absorb new information. This also improves students ability of logical inference.

What new literacy skills do this game help to cultivate?  A couple of games of predicting related new words can be found on the Internet. This also helps improve students’ ability of connecting and operating. They are able to predict the meaning of strange word when reading.

6 条评论:

  1. Connecting pictures with spelling and finding a connection between the two always leads to increase learning. Its nice to see your taking part in educational games outside of the classroom and helping your family out as well!

  2. I think this is great for students to build their vocabulary skills where the scaffolding (the pictures) is already in place. It forces students to think outside of the box and to really put effort into deciphering clues rather then simply getting the answer.

  3. This is a great game that really makes you think. I know I have been stumped a few times while playing this. It definitely makes you think and have to really process what all the pictures have in common. Great choice!

  4. What an interesting game! What is the grade level for your lesson?

  5. For the debriefing, teachers could ask students what strategies the used to come up with words or what cues/clues they used to get the word puzzle right? The debriefing will help students reflect on their decoding and encoding processes.
